Issues and Ideas

To be responsible and responsive, Town government must attend to a multitude of needs and concerns. Many of those have to do with supporting Acton residents facing educational, economic, housing, mental health, or transportation challenges; and many have to do, directly or indirectly, with the state of our environment.

Acton’s key environmental challenges are protecting our drinking water supply and responding to the threats of climate change.

Water quantity and quality both need to be understood and protected. Both can be threatened by development of the wrong type and the wrong place.

A worsening climate — which locally will mean increasing temperatures, intensified storms, and potential flooding — requires local responses. Our responses should include minimizing our net greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from fossil fuel use, and preparing for disruptions elsewhere by becoming a more resilient and self-reliant town and region. Greater resilience and self-reliance include protecting the most vulnerable populations, such as at-risk youth, people with disabilities, and elders.

Here are some important next steps in addressing these related challenges:
  • planning for Town water resources and needs, including a study of long-term water demand and supply challenges
  • more housing options in Acton for people working in Town who can’t currently afford to live here, and for seniors and people with disabilities who might otherwise not be able to stay in town
  • an affordable housing focus on rentals and small units; prioritize reuse and repurposing of existing buildings where practical; any new buildings should be near stores and transportation
  • increased Town staff support for social services, and initiatives that create connections, improve resident well-being, and reduce isolation
  • continue the cooperative financial planning between the school district and Town government to ensure that funding continues for our schools to remain excellent and for our Town to provide excellent services
  • more cross-cultural programming and opportunities for engagement; everybody matters and has something valuable to contribute
  • tree planting fund and program, and tree protection bylaws
  • increased participation in Town financial, transportation, and social programs that help seniors remain in Acton
  • Zero Net Energy as the standard for all new Town and school district building construction
  • expansion of our ride services to include evenings and weekends; Complete Streets plan for bicycles and pedestrians
  • increased number and variety of local employment opportunities — to end long commutes, improve individual and municipal finances, and advance sustainability
  • bold goals and plans for greenhouse gas reductions
  • a robust cleanup and use plan for the WR Grace Superfund site; the latter might include a sizable solar array
  • Continue to find and implement ways to make Town Government more transparent and accessible for all residents
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